Hè Oklahoma!
[he əükl̥ahəüma] (hey oke-lah-ho-mah!)
©2003 Benjamin Bruce. Some Rights Reserved.
Sound recording of "hè"
Source: "Common Words and Phrases in Lenape." Internet: <http://www.delawaretribeofindians.nsn.us/language.html> January 29, 2006.
Wèmi pilët, ahi chitkwe
Kwishkwei piskèke
Sapëlee òkai nèk nisha
Pilsit mimëns ahi tànktitit
Nalai kawiyok
Nalai kawiyok.
All is calm, all is pure
The night is very silent
It is bright around the two
Pure child very small
Calmly they are sleeping
Calmly they are sleeping.
(First verse of "Kwishkwei Piskèke," the Lenape version of "Silent Night")
Source: "Kwishkwei Piskèke." Internet: <http://silentnight.web.za/translate/lenape.htm> January 29, 2006.
Common Words and Phrases
Click the Lenape word to hear pronunciation (WAV format)
Source: "Common Words and Phrases in Lenape - Page 1." Internet: <http://www.delawaretribeofindians.nsn.us/words.html> January 29, 2006.
Lenape alphabet
The Lenape Alphabet includes the following letters: a, ch, e, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, s, sh, t, u, w, x, y
a |
à |
e |
è |
ë |
i |
[a] |
[ʌ] |
[e] |
[ɛ] |
[ə] |
[i] |
ì |
o |
ò |
u |
ù |
[ɪ] |
[əü] |
[o] |
[u] |
[ʊ] |
ch |
h |
k |
l |
m |
n |
p |
[ʧ] |
[h] |
[k] |
[l, l̥] |
[m] |
[n] |
[p] |
s |
sh |
s'h |
t |
w |
x |
y |
[s] |
[ʃ] |
[sh] |
[t] |
[w] |
[x] |
[j] |
Special Consonant Combinations
mp |
nch |
nk |
ns |
nsh |
nt |
[b, mb, mp] |
[ʤ, nʤ, nʧ] |
[g, ŋg, ŋk] |
[z, ns] |
[ʒ, nʃ] |
[d, nd, nt] |
- Stress normally falls on the next to last syllable, as in the words salàpòn (frybread) and tipas (chicken). If the vowel in the next to last syllable is an ë, the stress will often be placed on the preceding syllable.
- The first pronunciation for the special consonant combinations is word-initial.
- The second pronunciation for the special consonant combinations is word-final, in the middle of a word before a vowel, or before h or x.
- The third (or second, if there is no third) pronunciation for the special consonant combinations is in the middle of the word before any consonant except h or x.
- L is voiced when it occurs at the beginning of a word, or in the middle of a word before another consonant (except h or x).
- L is voiceless when it occurs word-finally, between vowels, or before h or x.
©2006 Benjamin Bruce. Some Rights Reserved.
Source: "The Sounds of Lenape." Internet: <http://www.talk-lenape.com/lenape-spelling.pdf> January 29, 2006.